Finding the right size HVAC ensures the best performance and the most comfortable environment. Let’s take a deeper look!

HVAC Unit Sizing

Too small an HVAC unit leads to uneven cooling and overexerting the device. Overly large HVAC units will cycle on and off repeatedly, leading to quicker wear and tear on the unit.

With help from an HVAC specialist, it’s easy to pick an AC unit that’s just right!

So, what’s the right size HVAC unit for you? These are some of the factors that go into figuring out the right size for an HVAC unit:

  • Ductwork quality
  • Home insulation quality
  • Direct sun exposure
  • Number of people currently living in the home
  • Usage of heat-generating appliances, such as ovens
  • Geographic climate and average temperatures
  • Quality and number of windows and exterior doors
  • What materials were used in the home’s construction (brick, wood, etc.)
  • Any features that may modify the temperature, like fireplaces and sunrooms

HVAC Units and Styles

Along with factors like building size, a specialist can then recommend the best style of HVAC unit for your home. Depending on your needs, either a split-air, ductless, or packaged system can best do the job. They should also help explain any HVAC unit’s Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (or SEER) and their cooling capacity.

The SEER ratio is derived by dividing the unit’s cooling output by the total energy used. The less energy used, the higher a ratio is earned, assuming the maximum efficiency of the unit. The most common SEER ratings are 14 or 16, but some units and services offer higher ratings. Most higher-rated units have two-stage or variable cooling stages.

Cooling capacity is measured in British Thermal Units per Hour (or BTUh). This represents how much energy is used for the HVAC unit to remove that unit over 1 hour. This result is also measured in tonnage, with 1 ton equal to 12,000 BTUh.

Most frequently, this will be described in half-ton increments (1.5 tons, 2, 2.5, and so on). For example, an HVAC unit with 18,000 BTUh will provide 1.5 tonnage worth of coverage.

You can also have an energy audit performed to evaluate these findings. Many utility companies offer audits and reports for free, but if not, an HVAC dealer or energy auditor can complete the inspection. The Manual J calculation from an energy audit will use factors like the one above to figure out the right AC size for your home accurately.

Get the Right Size HVAC Unit from Pilgrim Plumbing & Heating

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to HVAC units. The only way to know for sure is to have an expert on-site to make an estimate. At Pilgrim Plumbing & Heating, we’d have friendly fully-certified experts ready to assist you in finding that right-sized solution. Call or visit us online to schedule your estimate today.

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